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Are the Odds Against You?

Video Transcript

“Thinking about how the church leaders ─ the scribes and the Pharisees ─ tried to keep Jesus from being a blessing; from being a healer; from being a deliverer; from being a savior, on the Sabbath, for those who needed a blessing, and a healing, and a savior on the Sabbath.”

“I’m so glad he is not confined to days, and times, and spaces but he is a God of all times, and all of our times are in his hands. He moves whenever he desires to move in a life.”

“We praise God for his faithfulness in the midst of all things, even our calendars ─

In the midst of all things, even our expectations ─

In the midst of all things, even our doubtfulness ─

in the midst of all things, he is going to be God, and that is good news!”

“There is a line that comes from the ‘The Hunger Games,’ the phrase that they use is, ‘May the odds be ever in your favor,’ that’s what they tell them. In the ‘Games,’ there is only one survivor. . .but they say, ‘May the odds be ever in your favor’ ─ knowing that only one can come out. So, really the odds are in the favor of only one!”

“I’m so glad we serve a God whose power is not diminished nor changed by the odds that show up in our lives. Even if it looks like they’re all against you; even if it looks like the odds are not in your favor, God is, and is power is great!”

“He is the God of heaven’s armies, Lord have mercy! He is the God of heaven’s armies. . .what!? What are you going to do with that?”

“So, when you look at it that way, we don’t need a hope and a wish of the odds being in our favor. The odds don’t matter, because they don’t diminish; nor change; nor hinder the power of God. We honor the Lord for always being the same: today, yesterday and forever. Amen, praise the Lord!”

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